-1999.Expone with three other artists (4 ideas 4 forms)) in the Casa de la Cultura de Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra). -2000. I showed exhibits at the Art Cambados (Pontevedra). -2001.Expone in the Real Aeroclub de Santiago de Compostela. Receives a grant from the telecommunications company Digicom-AT. -2002. Exhibits at San Cibrao (Lugo). Exhibits at the Pub Modus Vivendi (Santiago de Compostela). Participate in biennial Eixo Peninsular North Atlantic do. Solidarity -2003 His picture is selected to be the image of the Third Volunteer Xorn on Vigo. -2004 And 2005 S removed to create a new catalog. -2006. Exhibits at the Rectory Cinemas of A Coruña. -2006. Exhibition at the Casino de la Toja (Toja Island) Pontevedra.